3 May 2012

Beach Bliss

Two Become One

A week ago we spent a lovely weekend in Noosa with friends rejoicing in the Beach Wedding of Lisa and Tim.
From the beautiful setting to the love expressed through the reading of their vows to each other, was absolutely amazing.
There is something special about weddings that just make you fall in love all over again.

Since Noosa was where we had our honeymoon 31 years ago we decided to stay a few extra days and soak up some relaxing time together. We stayed in a lovely apartment that over looked the beach and enjoyed lots of walks at sunset which brought back many wonderful memories for us it truly was blissful.



I hope you all  had a lovely week my friends I cant wait to catch up and see what you have been up to. I'm looking forward to gaining more energy so I can visit you all more often.

Always Love In Wendy’s World


Le Style said...

What a wonderful post with lovely pictures!
Good to read that you had such a great time.


We love LUNA said...

Bonjour dear Wendy,
Thanks so much for sharing your pictures and the happy feelings and lights from the weeding of your friends.Love brings good lights to everywhere!
Luna =^.^=

It's me said...

What a beautiful wedding !!...nice to see.......great to see a post of you again....love Ria....xxx...

Unknown said...

Such a lovely place! Sounds like the most beautiful wedding!

AweSomeLiving By Rosita de Jongh said...

prachtige foto's ...lieve groet rosita

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

Hi wendy..
I hope that you are feeling better!
What a stunning place to have a wedding.
I agree, it makes one want to fall in love all over again.
thank you
stay well

Anonymous said...

Dear Wendy,
It's a pleasure te receive a post from you.
What a beautiful wedding. And it is nice that you could there a copple of days. I hope you got energie.


Bente said...

How romantic is that. Wedding on the beach. Fantastic. Beautiful post, Wendy.

Hugs from me

Blessed Serendipity said...

What a beautiful place and the wedding must of been just lovely. How nice that you got to "honeymoon" again for a few days.


Unknown said...

great photos, we attended a beach wedding recently and it was lovely!

Beth said...

A lovely post and photos. I am so glad you got to spend some extra time there.

All For Love said...

Oh how totally blissful Wendy. I love going on a little break away for a wedding, always enhances the joy of the event that much further. Noosa is a stunning location, I can imagine it was a glorious spectacle.
You take your time to recover properly Wendy, go gently, we'll all be here regardless of whether you have time to visit or not xoxo

Melissah from Country Style Chic said...

Looks like a gorgeous wedding!

magie said...

It looks like such a beautiful wedding! What stunning photo's. I am glad to hear you had a lovely little getaway :)
Magie x

Anonymous said...

It is always such a pleasure to read you Wendy. Your words are sweet and your photos beautiful. It looks like you had a fabulous time and enjoy the place.
It's true marriages have this power to make you fall in love again, to see life through different lenses.

Take care of yourself dear. Yours. Marie

Wendi @ Classic Chic Home said...

What a beautiful getaway and the perfect setting for a wedding. Thanks for sharing, Wendy!
~ Wendi ~ xo

About Last Weekend said...

Wendy - this is got to be the most wonderful wedding ever right down to those wee stars. I remember being in Noosa at age 21 many years ago - fantastic place

Red Rose Alley said...

What a beautiful wedding, with all the blues and the amazing ocean in the back ground. What a lovely place to stay for you and your husband. These pictures are wonderful, my friend. Nel is getting married soon, and this was such a special reminder.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Paper roses from Paris said...

What a beautiful wedding at a beautiful place. I imagine you will fall in love again with such an ambiance.

Regards Janny

Anonymous said...

LOVE those pictures. You take fabulous photos that truly capture the warmth and beauty of that special day.


Annie ~ Red Roses and Crystal said...

Noosa is a special place and my family positively adore visiting. Any excuse will do!
Gorgeous photos
Best wishes Wendy

Shane Pollard said...

Dearest Wendy
I AGREE - there's just nothing like a wedding to bring out the ROMANCE!!!
I love Noosa too and your photos are amazing.

Thinking of you and sending big warm healing hugs your way dear friend.

love and hugs

Tobi Britton*pinkpixieforest.blogspot.com said...

Spectacular! How breathtakingly beautiful! So glad you had a terrific time... and Happy Anniversary!
Hope you have a Happy Mother's Day and Pink Saturday as well!
Sparkly Hugs,
Tobi and the Pixies!

romance-of-roses said...

Wendy, just stopped by to wish you a Happy Mothers Day and found all these lovely pictures. Happy you had a great get-a-way, wish we could do that also. Hugs...Lu


I Love your photos, your BLOG is amazing!
Thank you for the inspiration...

Lots of LOVE from switzerland
Jacqueline ♡


Test said...

beautiful post!!! have a nice weekend!!!

Laura @ Twenty5seven said...

Wendy, I'm glad to hear you had a good time, you deserve it, you've had such a full-on few months!

Privet and Holly said...

What an amazing
place to celebrate
love....and life : ) !!

Happy Weekend,
xo Suzanne

TINA KENT said...

Thanks for your beautiful comment about Alice Wendy. Your weekend sounded fantastic! I've been holidaying at noosa since I was very little & now I love taking my kids. LovT

Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy,
I just found your blog and so glad you became a new friend on my blog so I could make my way here!!
Your blog is simply lovely and I look forward to following along!!
Hope you have a wonderful week.

Unknown said...

Ahhh i love this. I dream of a beach wedding for myself too xo
would you like to follow each other?

Eatlovemerry said...

omg beautiful wedding!

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful blog with a lot of inspiring posts! Congrats on your work! Would you like t follow each other?:)

Viera said...

beautiful location and what a wonderful wedding.

Georgianna said...

Hello, Wendy,

How marvelous you could spend time in this place again.

I've been traveling so much, I have not been by for awhile. I hope all is well and that you are enjoying summer and your family.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend!


Myplace4tea said...

Such a beautiful Blog, Wendy! Love how you capture the special moments in life... Your blog is full of love, life, family, and all that's beautiful around us.
Glad I stumbled upon your blog.
Thank you for sharing such beautiful things.
Best wishes, Angela

Julia said...

Wow, those pictures look so amazing, it’s like a fairy tale wedding, and everything is perfect. Your friends will have beautiful memories to cherish forever. I am glad you also manage to take advantage of this trip and find a few days of relaxation in the company of your beloved one.

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Julia @ProfessionalDoctorate said...

Wow, that wedding could make you fall in love all over again. Ever since, I always dreamed to have a garden wedding instead of beach wedding. I’m crazy about flowers and the sweet smell of it. Anyway, the photos are gorgeous! I wish you and your friend success in marriage and life. Good luck!

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