8 December 2011

DreamTime Photography Art

A whole lot of Sweetness

Hope you enjoy these my friends, looking forward to visiting and catching up with you all today!

Always Love In Wendy’s World


Antoana said...

Wow, these photographs are gorgeous!!!Beautiful indeed :D thank you for your visit and follow up over at my blog, happy u enjoyed browsing thru all the stuff :D I sure did enjoy browsing thru urs!And ur from Oz? One of my fave countries since I was little :D great to meet you :x

Anonymous said...

These are just so lovely, the colours are delicate and these 3 little ones have so much to share.
Nothing better to start the day! Take care.

Allyson Bossie said...

Thanks for the follow! Returning the love on GFC as masugr. I absolutely love the pictures. They are quite amazing!

Lulu and Co. said...

Beautiful images! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving behind such kind words! Wishing you a wonderful day!!!

The Everything List said...

super cute!

thanks for stopping by the blog! come again soon.


Unknown said...

Hi Wendy, I'm so glad you stopped by to visit me and are a new follower. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you and becoming friends, so I'm a new follower too. Your photographs are amazing!!! Ave these beautiful girls your daughters? They're just precious.

Merry Christmas.
Hugs...Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute

Anne said...

Gorgeous photos! Thanks for visiting my blog! You have an amazing blog and I am now following!:)

Le Style said...

Great pictures!
Lovely, the colors and the beautiful children, so cute.
Enjoy your blog!

Warm greetings,

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Wendy,
I love these beautiful photographs. Aren't children the most wonderful subject!

Thanks for becoming a follower on my blog. I'm looking forward to getting to know you. I'm following you too and will be back often to enjoy your beautiful blog.


Lotti said...

Your photos are just so beautiful ... I love your use of colour.

Shirley said...

Thank you so much for your very kind visit recently! What a wonderful blog you have here..and such beautiful photos in this post!

Mimi said...

Hi Wendy, your photos are amazing I love the colours. Thank you for commenting on my blog. I am your newest fan. Mimi xx

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos Wendy! The hairbands on the girls are gorgeous!

beachcomber said...

what cute kids! love these photos!

Mrs. Nerdy said...

What a beautiful photo!! Thank you for stopping by my blog! I am now following you back!

(I love the blurb about your hubby in your about me section!)

Jenn said...

I love the pictures! Amazing!! I'm now a follower. Thanks.


Desire Empire said...

These are gorgeous. Not sure if you took them though.

Love all the colours. Such beautiful children.

Something Infinitely Interesting said...

lovely photos.. thanks for stopping by my page... and now i am following you :)

Alicia xoxxo said...

What gorgeous photos!!! Love your blog!
Newest follower!

Karla {Ironmum Karla} said...

These surely are sweet, you need to tell us a few hints on photography, you sure have it nailed!x

Tiff said...

What pretty, pretty images! I am now going to explore more of your beautiful blog! I love to meet fellow qld bloggers! X

Mom Daughter Style said...

these pictures are precious! Sometimes, I'm thinking of doing a photoshoot of my daughter and making her all dolled up.

thanks for the follow, im following back


leanne can blog said...

Very sweet girls!

Ez said...

Hi Wendy, these photos are fantastic!!

thanks so much for dropping by my blog, feel free to drop by again some time :-)



Unknown said...

these are beautiful!

D.D. said...

Those pics are so beautiful!
Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I am your newest follower. I look forward to reading more. Have a great day!


Meagan said...

Beautiful photography! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower :) I'm so excited to read more of your posts.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photography! Precious babies! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I'm a new follower on yours. I look forward to reading additional posts!

Julianne said...

WOw those pictures are so cute! Thanks for your comment and following my blog! I'm following you back!



Blyro's Books said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Brittany said...

Just beautiful! Thank you for following us...returning the favor! :)

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful pictures! And your blog is so nice and I will follow you too :)

Have a nice day.


Emma Breadstill said...

Hi Wendy,
Thank you for your lovely comment over at mine. I agree it's lovely to make friends. Especially ones who have the same interests. I imagine it's very hot over there at the moment while here we're shivering! I like the winter though. Hope you're having a lovely day. I love your blog, it's so colourful.
Lots of love,
Emma xxx xxx

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Beautiful photos Wendy! Especially love the one with the baby.

Gild and Grace said...

Such adorable shots Wendy! Have a great weekend :)

Abbey x

Whitney Cypert said...

These photos are so beautiful!!

Thanks for stopping by and following Keeping Up With The Cyperts! I am now a new follower of yours!

Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Wendy~
Your blog is stunning!
The photography is so soft with lots rich colors & details, sigh! Beautiful work.
I agree it's wonderful meeting new friends.
Merry Christmas,
Hugs Rosemary...

All For Love said...

Simply stunning Wendy. Loving the soft colours and uber beautiful little babes in the shots :o) xo

Kindra-At Home With K said...

Hi Wendy! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I just love your photos and inspiring posts!
I'm your newest follower!

Babblings and More said...

Gorgeous!!! I love all of the colors!!
We are following you back!
Brooke from babblingsandmore.blogspot.com

Cindy said...

Hi Wendy,
You have such a sweet blog! I have enjoyed looking it over. Your photographs are breath-taking.
Hugs, Cindy

Candice said...

Beautiful photos! you have a great talent. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog...following you back :)


Karen said...

Beautiful photography, with such beautiful children. Thanks so much for visiting and following, I'm following your lovely blog as well.

Tiffany said...

Oh, these photos are just gorgeous!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leading me to you. =)

minihousemightyhearts said...

Hi there! Thank you so much for your sweet comment yesterday! I'm excited to say I'm your newest follower!

Breena said...

Very lovely, Wendy! I'd love for you to link up these beautiful photos at my "Look Whooooo's Snapping" photo linky party going on now! (I'm your new GFC follower)!


Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Lovely captures! Love the soft tones and colors and the babe with the pearls.. gorgeous shot!

Romina Garcia said...

What beautiful photo's. They really do bring out the Christmas spirit. Thanks for sharing!

MJ said...

Wow you take gorgeous photos!!

Jenn Erickson said...

Your photos are breathtakingly beautiful Wendy!

It's such a pleasure to "meet" you!

Jenn/Rook No. 17

Susan Cook said...

Beautiful! love em & the colors are gorgeous.

Thanks for following my blog - following you now too :)

Pure Ella said...

These are beautiful ;)

Red Rose Alley said...

Such pretty pictures. I especially like the sweet baby with the pearls. Hope you are enjoying the season.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Krista said...

newest follower

koralee said...

Pure joy and delight...love these photos.
Thank you for visiting me the other day...your blog is so lovely and your photographs are stunning. Happy weekend to you.

Linda said...

These are wonderful!! Love the yellow roses!

Sugar said...

These photos are lovely!! Your world is indeed beautiful :)

New follower, thanks for the follow as well, have a great day.

Light Trigger said...

hi there! thanks for stopping by! Came here to visit your blog: adorable! Lovely photos!!! Following back! =) Great weekend!

Cat said...

Such sweet photos:) The colours are beautiful Wendy. Have a wonderful week. x

Anonymous said...

Really beautiful photos. Gorgeous. x

Breena said...

Thanks for linking up at "Life as this Mommy knows It"!


Elle Sees said...

love gorgeous pics of little ones! Enter my STYLEMINT giveaway for 5 free shirts! Create profile to enter.

Unknown said...

Love these photos!! Thanks for visiting my site, I'm following back!

Anonymous said...

WOW! You take GORGEOUS photos! And I loved the Christmas decor one post up, too! Are all those really yours? I love your style!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Work! Sorry it Took so long by I stopped over to return the favor and follow from LiveFromLeeannesMind.Com Thanks for Stopping over!